Szkoła letnia we Włoszech

My name is Riccardo Venchiarutti and I’m the deputy chairman of the I.S.E.O Institute ( chaired by Prof. Robert Solow (Nobel Laureates in Economics 1987).
Every year our non profit institute organizes an international graduate summer school which features Nobel Laureates in Economics. The summer course always takes place in Iseo, near Milan, in Northern Italy.

The next edition (11th edition) will take place from 14th to 21st June 2014 featuring 3 Nobel laureates in Economics: Robert Engle  (Nobel 2003), James Mirrlees (Nobel 1996) and Michael Spence (Nobel 2001). The main theme will be " Shaping the future: towards a global sustainable economy”.

As we are a non profit institute whose aim is that of spreading the economic culture throughout the organization of conferences and international summer school, we do rely on the help and cooperation with other institutions and universities. We can’t afford major paid advertisement.
Therefore, In attachment I am sending you a much more detailed pdf file regarding the next edition of the summer school.
Let me also underline that in order to allow talented students to participate to our course, we also provide partial scholarships. The deadline for application is 21st April 2014.
I would be extremely grateful if you could send the information I have attached and also the link to our website which has all the details needed in order to apply.

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