Department of Labour and Industrial Relations

Principal unit: Institute of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Economics       240px-flag_of_poland_(normative)


Research profile

The academic activities pursued in the Department are focused on workforce management, which comprises all material elements of the personnel function. These are mainly employee recruitment and selection (including creation of jobs), employee development, assessment, activation and dismissal, as well as working conditions and organisational culture.

We find organisational culture an important instrument for influencing employee attitudes and behaviours. We discuss, among others, building a culture of innovation and a culture of occupational health and safety, against this background. The growth in the number of enterprises with foreign interest in Poland encourages us to conduct broader research on cultural differences, which are a significant aspect of creating culture in multinational enterprises. The issue of employer branding and thus attracting – from the labour market – prospective employees with the competence and personal profile desired by a given enterprise and shaped with the differences indicated above taken into account, is also important to us.

The above-mentioned issues have been discussed – especially in recent years – from the angle of various, also conflicting, interests, which manifest themselves mainly in relationships between the employer (top management) and employees. This research stream, connected with labour relations, can be defined as human resource management exposing the employee-employer relationship, oriented towards building a human-friendly organisation. High significance is attributed to recognising circumstances in which business entities operate, with preference given to the situational approach to management. The increasing significance of knowledge in achieving success by an enterprise is considered an important premise of shaping such an organisation. This encourages the perception of employees as important stakeholders. The indicated approach to the human-work area is fully reflected in the book by M. Gableta titled Człowiek i praca w zmieniającym się przedsiębiorstwie [Human and work in a changing enterprise] (2003) and in the book edited by her titled Potencjał pracy przedsiębiorstwa [Enterprise workforce] (2006). Earlier concise studies, which comprise results of the research conducted by the whole team, are also dedicated to workforce, its formation and use, as well as practical problems occurring in this subject area. Research on employee interests and conflicts manifested with this respect in the employees-employers relationships was commenced in 2008. Its results were presented in the book edited by M. Gableta titled Interesy pracowników oraz warunki ich respektowania [Employee interests and conditions of respecting them] (2012). The issues of interests were also touched upon in the monograph by A. Cierniak-Emerych titled Uczestnictwo pracobiorców w gospodarowaniu potencjałem pracy przedsiębiorstwa [Employee participation in managing enterprise workforce] (2012).


Significant events in the Department

The Department was established in 1996, i.e. in the period of restructuring the Faculty of Engineering and Economics. Its research and teaching profile was shaped by Prof. Małgorzata Gableta, who has been the Department head since its establishment. A number of its staff members and the head came from the Department of Enterprise Economics and Organisation, the Faculty of National Economy (currently the Faculty of Economic Sciences).

Post-graduate studies “Occupational Health and Safety”, which enjoy high popularity among students, the fact proved by the continuously increasing number of candidates and recruitment frequency (the 13th edition of the studies was inaugurated in 2012), were launched in 2005. Dolnośląska Rada Przedsiębiorczości i Nauki [Lower Silesian Entrepreneurship and Science Board], which operates by Loża Dolnośląska [Lower Silesian Lodge] Business Centre Club, has taken patronage over the studies.

Three supervisor research grants were obtained in the period 2007-2008.

A three-year research project titled “Interesy pracowników oraz warunki ich respektowania w przedsiębiorstwach” [Employee interests and conditions of respecting them in enterprises] funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (grant no. N N115 134434) was carried out from June 2008 to June 2011.

A habilitation examination of PhD A. Cierniak-Emerych was held in April 2013. Its positive result provided the basis for appointing her to the position of UE professor.

Another three-year research project, titled “Funkcja personalna w organizacji zorientowanej na projekty” [“Personnel function in a project-oriented organisation”], funded by the National Science Centre (decision no. DEC-2013/09/D/HS4/00566) is being conducted in the Department.


Cyclic academic conferences organised in the Department

Academic staff in the Department

PhD candidates participating in the teaching process

Three PhD proceedings were instituted in 2013: MSc M. Borowska, MA K. Okuniewicz, MA K. Zięba.


Teaching activities


The Department staff run the following subjects:

Books, written among others by the Department staff, clearly related to practice through presenting specific problems, are used in the teaching process. They include:

     A Students Association Human Resource Management “HaReM”, established on the initiative of students of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, operates in the Department. Members of the Association conducted, among others, a research project titled “Procedury i metody doboru pracowników” [“Employee selection procedures and methods”]. Lectures and workshops in human resource management in an organisation run by business practice representatives are also organised as part of the Association’s activities. 


Academic achievements of the Department 


The most significant publications of the Department staff since 2005 


A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, K. Piwowar-Sulej, Stymulowanie innowacyjności pracowników. Problemy praktyczne [Stimulating employee innovativeness. Practical problems], Marina Publishing House, Wrocław 2013.

A. Cierniak-Emerych, Uczestnictwo pracobiorców w gospodarowaniu potencjałem pracy przedsiębiorstwa [Employee participation in managing enterprise workforce], Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House, Seria Monografie i Opracowania [Monographs and Studies Series], Wrocław 2012.

Interesy pracowników oraz warunki ich respektowania w przedsiębiorstwach [Employee interests and conditions of respecting them in enterprises]. Ed. M. Gableta, Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House, Wrocław 2012.

Human and work in a changing organisation. Management oriented on the employee interests, eds M. Gableta, A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu [Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics] issue 224, Wrocław 2011

Człowiek i praca w zmieniającej się organizacji. W kierunku respektowania interesów pracobiorców [Human and work in a changing enterprise. Towards respecting employee interests]. eds M. Gableta, A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu [Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics] issue 223, Wrocław 2011.

Człowiek i praca w zmieniającej się organizacji [Human and work in a changing organization]. Eds M. Gableta, A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu [Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics] issue 43, Wrocław 2009.

K. Piwowar-Sulej, Zarządzanie personelem nauczycielskim w oświacie [Teaching personnel management in education], ABC Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2009.

A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, Motywowanie pracowników. Wskazówki dla menedżerów [Motivating Employees. Guidelines for managers], MARINA Publishing House, Wrocław 2007.

Potencjał pracy przedsiębiorstwa [Enterprise workforce]. Ed. M. Gableta, Wrocław University of Economics Publishing House, Wrocław 2006. (an academic handbook).

A. Cierniak-Emerych: Europejskie standardy praw człowieka i warunków pracy [European standards of human rights and working conditions], I-BiS, Wrocław 2005.

  1. Gableta M.: Uwarunkowania i możliwości wzrostu wiedzy spersonalizowanej w organizacji [Considerations and capabilities of personalised knowledge growth in an organisation]. In: Uwarunkowania sukcesów kadry kierowniczej w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy [Considerations of the management staff’s successes in the knowledge-based economy]. Ed. T. Kupczyk, Difin, Warsaw 2009, pp. 21-33
  2. Pietroń-Pyszczek A.: Pokolenie Y a sukces przedsiębiorstwa [The Y generation and the enterprise’s success], in: Społeczne uwarunkowania sukcesu organizacji [Social considerations of the organisation’s success], Prace i Materiały Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego [Studies and Materials of the Faculty of Management of the University of Gdańsk] issue 2/3, Gdańsk 2009, pp. 1173-1178
  3. Gableta M.: W kierunku operacjonalizacji pojęcia odpowiedzialności społecznej w obszarze zatrudnienia [Towards operationalisation of the notion of social responsibility in the area of employment]. In: Kierunki i dylematy rozwoju nauki i praktyki zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem [Directions and dilemmas in the development of the enterprise management science and practice]. Eds H. Jagoda, J. Lichtarski, UE Publishing House, Wrocław 2010, pp. 66-74.
  4. Cierniak-Emerych A.: Mobbing phenomenon and the flexibility of employment on EU labor market, in: Organization management : competitiveness, social responsibility, human capital, ed. D. Lewicka AGH University of Science and Technology Press, Kraków 2010, pp. 501-514
  5. Cierniak-Emerych A.: Przesłanki i sposoby uczestnictwa pracobiorców w realizacji funkcji personalnej [Premises and manners of employee participation in the personnel function implementation], in: Społeczne wymiary zarządzania nowoczesnymi przedsiębiorstwami. Ludzie-Kultura-Społeczna odpowiedzialność [Social dimensions of managing modern enterprises. Humans-Culture-Social Responsibility], ed. J. Stankiewicz, University of Zielona Góra Publishing House, Zielona Góra 2010, pp. 77-87
  6. Bodak A.: Deklaracja spółdzielczej tożsamości a problemy funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw spółdzielczych na terenach wiejskich [Declaration of cooperative identity and the problems of cooperative enterprises’ operation in rural areas], in: Wyzwania dla współczesnych organizacji w warunkach konkurencyjnej gospodarki [Challenges for contemporary organisations in the conditions of competitive economy], Eds M. Lewicka, L. Zbiegień-Maciąg, AGH Publishing House, 2010, pp. 571-585
  7. Pietroń-Pyszczek A.: Innowacyjność pracowników i możliwości jej spożytkowania w sferze zarządzania [Employee innovativeness and the capabilities to use it in the management area], in: Innowacyjność w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem oraz instytucjami sektora publicznego. Teoria i praktyka [Innovativeness in managing an enterprise and public sector institutions. Theory and practice], (eds H. Bieniok, T. Kraśnicka), University of Economics in Katowice Publishing House, Katowice 2010, pp. 161-166
  8. Pietroń-Pyszczek A.: Dbałość o wizerunek pracodawcy jako przejaw orientacji na człowieka [Concern about employer branding as a manifestation of orientation towards the human], in: Nowe kierunki w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem [New directions in enterprise management], (ed. J. Lichtarski), Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu [Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics] issue 89, Wrocław 2010, pp. 71-76
  9. Gableta M., Czupryńska M.: Kreowanie kultury organizacyjnej w przedsiębiorstwie zagranicznym [Creating organisational culture in a foreign enterprise], “Ekonomika i Organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa” [“Enterprise Economics and Organisation”], issue 7(726), July 2010, p. 36
  10. Cierniak-Emerych A.: EU standards in respect to employee rights as observed in Polish economic practice – selected issues, Journals of International Scientific Publications vol. 5, Bulgaria 2011
  11. Gableta M., Cierniak-Emerych A.: Wytyczne Unii Europejskiej źródłem przełomu w obszarze zarządzania ludźmi [European Union guidelines as the source of breakthrough in the human resource management area]. “Przegląd Organizacji” [“Overview of Organisations”] 3/2011, pp. 30-34,
  12. Cierniak-Emerych A.: Legally protected employee interests and their observance in Polish economic practice, in: Human and work in a changing organization. Management oriented on the employee interests eds M. Gableta, A. Pietroń-Pyszczek, Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics, issue 224, Wrocław 2011, pp. 11-19
  13. Pietroń-Pyszczek A.: Attributes of an attractive employer in the context of interests articulated by employees. Results of empirical studies, in: Human and work in a changing organisation. Management oriented on the employee interests, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu [Research Papers of the Wrocław University of Economics] issue 224, Wrocław 2011, pp. 30-37
  14. Gableta M., Bodak A.: Skłonność pracodawców do respektowania interesów pracowników (wyniki badań empirycznych) [Employers’ inclination to respect employee interests (results of empirical research], “Organizacja i Kierowanie” [“Organisation and Management”], 2012 issue 1A (149) pp. 287-296
  15. Gableta M., Bodak A., Kapłon R.: From a Leader’s Perspective: An Approach to Making Employee Interests a Reality (Empirical Research Results), “Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi” [“Human Resource Management”], 2012 issue 2(85), pp. 125-136
  16. Cierniak-Emerych A.: Kształtowanie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy w przedsiębiorstwie a cechy kultury organizacyjnej [Creating occupational health and safety in an enterprise and characteristics of organisational culture], “Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów. Problemy, Innowacje, Projekty” [“Education of Economists and Managers. Problems, Innovations, Projects”], issue 4(26) 2012
  17. Piwowar-Sulej K.: Bases of remuneration policy in project-oriented organization, in: Managing Transformation with Creativity, eds D. Gomezelj, Omerzel, B. Nastav, S. Sedmak, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary 2012, pp. 431-446
  18. Piwowar-Sulej K.: Wdrożenie podejścia projektowego w organizacji. Konsekwencje dla satysfakcji pracowniczej [Implementation of the project approach in an organisation. Consequences for employee satisfaction], “Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów” [“Education of Economists and Managers”], 2012 issue 2(24), pp. 45-58
  19. Pietroń-Pyszczek A.: Czynniki ograniczające innowacyjność pracowników [Factors restricting employee innovativeness], “Folia Oeconomica”, 2013, issue 288, vol. 5, pp. 335-343
  20. Piwowar-Sulej K.: Cechy kultury organizacyjnej a metodyki prowadzenia projektów [Features of organisational culture versus project management methodologies], “Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów” [“Education of Economists and Managers”], 2012 issue 4 (26), pp. 39-52
  21. Bodak A., Cierniak-Emerych A., Gableta M., Pietroń-Pyszczek A., Piwowar-Sulej K.: Improving the Flexibility of Employment in Polish Economic Practice, “World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology” 2013 issue
    79, pp. 1477-1481


Eight doctors were promoted in the Department (their supervisor was Prof. Małgorzata Gableta)

  1. Andrzej Bodak – dissertation titled: “Przesłanki i kierunki zmian w zarządzaniu czynnikiem ludzkim w przedsiębiorstwie” [“Premises and directions of changes in managing the human factor in an enterprise”] (1997).
  2. Anna Cierniak-Emerych – dissertation titled: “Zmiany warunków pracy w przedsiębiorstwach – przesłanki i tendencje” [“Changes of working conditions in enterprises – premises and trends”] (2003).
  3. Elżbieta Karamalla – dissertation titled: “Warunki kształtowania miejsc pracy w przedsiębiorstwach” [“Conditions of creating jobs in enterprises”] (2003).
  4. Agata Pietroń-Pyszczek– dissertation titled: “Organizacja procesu motywowania w przedsiębiorstwie” [“Organisation of the motivation process in an enterprise”] (2004).
  5. Dominika Bąk-Grabowska – dissertation titled: “Gospodarowanie potencjałem ludzkim w urzędach samorządu terytorialnego” [“Managing workforce in local government offices”] (2007).
  6. Agnieszka Jagoda – dissertation titled: “Organizacyjne aspekty realizacji funkcji personalnej w polskich grupach kapitałowych” [“Organisational aspects of implementing the personnel function in Polish capital groups”] (2007).
  7. Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej – dissertation titled: “Kształtowanie sfery personalnej publicznych szkół licealnych w Polsce” [“Forming the personnel sphere of state-owned upper-secondary schools in Poland”] (2008).
  8. Magdalena Dunikowska – dissertation titled: “Gospodarowanie potencjałem pracy w dolnośląskich przedsiębiorstwach uzdrowiskowych” [“Managing workforce in Lower Silesian spa enterprises”] (2010).

Circa 500 masters of science were promoted in the Department over its entire operation period. 

Offer for business practice


          Post-graduate studies:

The “Occupational health and safety” programme is addressed to persons employed in OHS units, to those who intend to take a position in such units, to managers, clerical staff, and persons holding the function of a social labour inspector. In accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 2 Nov 2004 (Dz. U. No. 246), the graduates may hold OHS positions.
The curriculum includes the following contents:

Dolnośląska Rada Przedsiębiorczości i Nauki [Lower Silesian Entrepreneurship and Science Board], which operates by Loża Dolnośląska [Lower Silesian Lodge] Business Centre Club, took patronage over the programme in 2007.


Expert’s reviews and consulting services with respect to:

Training offer with respect to:

Towarzystwo Nauk Organizacji i Kierownictwa [Scientific Society for Organisation and Management] is a significant platform of cooperation between the Department and the business practice. The Department staff fulfil important functions in the Lower Silesian TNOiK Branch. They also participate in the works performed by Dolnośląska Loża [Lower Silesian Lodge] Business Centre Club

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