Rekrutacja na stypendia do Włoch

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The Italian private-law non profit foundation Fondazione CRT ( offers to graduates an opportunity for enriching their curriculum through an internship experience carried out in Italy (in Turin).

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino is the third biggest bank foundation in Italy, distributing grants for about 100.000.000 Euros every year - and it is among the biggest foundations in Europe.

In order to select graduates at non Italian Universities, Fondazione CRT has published – within its “Master dei Talenti per Neolaureati” program - a call for applications which makes 20 internships available for non Italian graduates. The maximum age is 30. The deadline is June 30th, 2007.

For one internship, knowledge of Italian is not requested. For the other 19 internships, a fair knowledge of Italian is requested. All the details are available in the call for applications (see below).

Fondazione CRT will grant an internship fellowship directly to the selected candidates over the whole internship period. Internships will last 6-12 months.

The call for application is available, in Italian and in English, on the web page (please use the full string up to ".html" in case the line is broken)

Graduates who wish to apply are asked to submit the application form included in the call for application to Fondazione CRT by June 30th, 2007.

For any information, graduates can contact us by email (in English):  

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