Join the first Google AdWords seminar

Dokument który oglądasz stracił ważność. Może zawierać nieaktualne informacje.
When:  8th October at 3.45 pm
Where: building P, room 1P

You will hear about:

-    the seminar content and the learning program
-    how to apply for the seminar and the applications deadline
-    starting dates and the lessons schedule
-    the final exam and criteria for the ECTS

We will answer all of your questions including:

-    GAP: what is it and why it’s cool to have it?
-    does Google really have a free food and can you taste it during one of the 3 classes in the office?
-    why we only have 15 places?
-    why it’s going to be in English?
-    what are the possible chances to get an internship in the company in summer 2009
-    why are we, Google, excited about working together with the university and most of all with you?

We look forward to meeting you and answering your questions!
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