Katedra Rachunku Kosztów, Zarządzania Podatkami i Controllingu
Department of Costing, Tax Management and Controlling
bud. Z, pok. 504
E-mail: |
joanna.dyczkowska![]() |
Tel.: | 71 36 80 512 |
Informacje / konsultacje:
Konsultacje w semestrze letnim 2022/2023:
czwartki, 9:45-11:15
Office hours in summer term 2022/2023:
Thursdays, 9:45-11:15
Research Interests and Activities
My research interests relate to sustainability and integrated reporting, stakeholder management, stakeholder capitalism and management control in SMEs.
I am the author of several dozen articles published in international refereed journals and a monograph that deals with critical issues regarding non-financial disclosures in the area of R&D in biopharmaceutical companies.
I am the editor of four monographs and three editions of the Research Papers Series of the Wroclaw University of Economics entitled "Global Challenges of Management Control and Reporting."
I presented my research results during international conferences and workshops, including European Accounting Association (EAA) congresses, Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCBS), Irish Accounting & Finance Association (IAFA), European Network for Research in Organizational & Accounting Change Conference (ENROAC), IAAER and ACCA Early Career Researchers Workshop and many others.
Projects and Grants
October 2019 – Becoming the leader of the international INTEREST project (INTEgrated REporting for SMEs Transparency, No: 2019-1-HU01-KA202-060911)
October 2018 - Receiving a grant (No: 2018/02/X/HS4/01046) under the MINIATURA 2 program from the National Center for Science in Poland to implement research on the concept of an integrated reporting model in the light of the pragmatic constructivism paradigm.
May 2018 – Receiving a grant directed to young researchers from CEECs funded by ACCA Global for the research idea in the field of six capitals and value creation reporting by life science companies.
Key publications:
Habilitation book:
Dyczkowska J. (2019), Ujawnienia niefinansowe w obszarze działalności badawczo-rozwojowej. Praktyki europejskich spółek biofarmaceutycznych [Non-financial disclosures in research and development activities. Practices of European biopharmaceutical companies.], Wydawnictwo Uniwersystetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław
Key articles in Journals:
1. Dyczkowska J. and Fijałkowska J. (2022), Model of integrated reporting "concept in practice" in the light of pragmatic constructivist paradigm: case studies of life science companies, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 35 (8), 1745-1774
2. Dyczkowska J., Krasodomska J. and Robertson F. (2022), The role of integrated reporting in communicating adherence to stakeholder capitalism principles during the COVID-19 pandemic, Meditari Accountancy Research 30 (7), 147-184
3. Robertson F., Krasodomska J. and Dyczkowska J. (2022), Harmonising sustainability reporting in the face of stakeholders' awakening capitalism. The institutional background. Theoretical Journal of Accounting / Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości 46 (4), 129-160
4. Dyczkowska J. and Sichel R.L. (2019), Reporting on IPRs Protection Issues by Biopharmaceutical Companies, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 9 (3/4), 185-229
5. Dyczkowska J. and Dyczkowski T. (2018), Democratic or autocratic leadership style? Participative management and its links to rewarding strategies and job satisfaction in SMEs, Athens Journal of Business & Economics 4 (2), 193-217
6. Dyczkowska J., Krasodomska J. and Michalak J. (2016), CSR in Poland: Institutional context, legal framework and voluntary initiatives, Accounting and Management Information Systems 15 (2), 206-254
7. Dyczkowska J. and Dyczkowski T. (2015), An influence of strategic awareness on management control: Evidence from Polish micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, Management and Business Administration. Central Europe 23, 3-31
8. Dyczkowski T. and Dyczkowska J. (2015), Examining management information flows in business organisations, International Journal of Contemporary Management 14 (4), 45-74
9. Dyczkowska J. (2014), Assessment of quality of Internet financial disclosures using a scoring system. A case of Polish stock issuers, Accounting and Management Information Systems 13 (1), 50-81
10. Dyczkowska J. and Dyczkowski T. (2014), Relations between planning systems and employee rewarding schemes in Polish enterprises, Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 17, 81-95
Selected edited books:
1. Accounting and Business in a Sustainable Post-COVID World: New Perspectives and Challenges (2022), J. Dyczkowska (ed.), Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Wroclaw
2. The impact of COVID-19 on accounting, business practice and education (2021), J. Dyczkowska, ( ed.) Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Wroclaw
3. Development of Integrated Reporting in the SME Sector: Case Studies from European Countries (2021), J. Dyczkowska, A Szirmai Madarasine, A Tiron-Tudor, ( eds.), Springer, Cham, Switzerland