AC Analyst 610: Information Risk Management in Financial Institutions

The Academic Club of Financial Analysis has a privilege to deliver the topic that is so engaging and important as ever before.

This Monday (11th of May) we have honor to host an exceptional professional, prof. Darius Wawrzyniak, the one who is hugely engaged in that matter, especially IT risk management in Banking system.

Below the information note from the speaker:

"Information security risk management plays an increasingly important role in nowadays business, especially financial business. More to say, it is information security that, if managed properly, enables internet banking services, payment card transactions, mobile transactions etc. In the other words, there is no internet banking without information security. And it is not only legal and business requirement. It is mainly the customers' problem…

The lecture presents chosen information security issues and their applications in internet banking. It focuses on the differences between current internet banking services in Poland. In the conclusion we will try to find the answer for a question that should be important to everyone: is my internet bank secure?"

Hereby, we invite everyone to look at the link below and gather more information: 

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