Studyka's Ready-Made Case Studies

Company Studyka provide teachers and lecturers with free, real-life business cases in the form of professional challenges.

It's really simple. No contract. No participation or registration fee.

At the end of each contest, the 5 best teams will present their ideas to the top management of each company in Paris (all expenses are covered). We also invite teachers to come to Paris to support their finalist teams. To do so, they just have to use a contest as a case in class and make sure that at least 10 teams participate. And if one of the teams go to finale then all expenses will be covered for the teacher!

We are currently launching 2 international challenges :

•    Vinci 2020 Global Climate Challenge: Students can propose innovative solutions that will have a rapid and significant environmental impact. Vinci reserves right to invest up to €50,000 if the winners decide to develop their project by creating a startup. It would be a great case study for an Environmental, Entrepreneurship or Innovation teacher.

End of Registration : April the 19th

•    Airport of Paris Challenge: Student can propose innovative and smart ways of moving in large international airports. This challenge would a be great teaching support for a Consulting, Strategy or Business Development teacher.

End of Registration: May the 3rd

For more information, please find our brochure: click here

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