CIMA now more student-friendly!

CIMA now more student-friendly! Recruitment starts this Tuesday!

On the 21 of October we open the recruitment for the UE & CIMA CBA Programme.
For this reason, we invite everyone who would like to learn more
about the UE & CIMA CBA Programme to an induction meeting which will take place
this Tuesday, i.e. the 21st of October, at 16:30. in room 1 building E.
You will be able to obtain all the information you require in order to make a
decision about joining the programme. Please remember that the recruitment
is open only to students of the second year of the Bachelor Studies in
Finance and the second year students of Finanse i Rachunkowość at the
Faculty of Management, Information Technology and Finance of our
University. Last minute news: finalising CIMA has now become even easier
for all the students! Come to the meeting and learn what has changed!
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