Spotkanie o pozyskiwaniu kapitału z G. Jajugą (06.05.2014)


How do companies obtain their funding?

What are the ways a company can choose to raise capital for their operation and development?

What valuation methods are used for these purposes?

Come and learn everything about raising capital from our guest speaker, Mr. Grzegorz Jajuga, CFA (Managing Partner and Founder, Brante Partners; Wroclaw University of Economics alumnus)!

Mr. Grzegorz Jajuga's bio: 

Time and place: as always, Tuesday, 6 May 2014, 18:00, room 101E, Wrocław University of Economics.

Please take a minute to join our Facebook event:

Bring your friends and see you on Tuesday!

At Academic Club of Financial Analysis ANALYST, our goal is to deepen our knowledge and develop practical skills in the field of financial analysis. We work in close cooperation with experienced professionals and reputable researchers. Together with the CFA Society of Poland, we promote the prestigious Chartered Financial Analyst program.

Last but not least, membership in ACFA ANALYST stands a great chance to develop Your field-specific language knowledge and skills, as all meetings are conducted in English.

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