Interesuje Cię praca analityka rynku? Chcesz dowiedzieć się jakie masz możliwości zawodowe? Zapoznaj sie z wymaganiami stawianymi kandydatom w czasie procesu rekrutacji i poznaj pracę analityka od
Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany przeczytaj poniższą wiadomość i wejdź na stronę w celu rejestracji swojego uczestnictwa. W ramach
spotkania, przewidziany jest poczęstunek i możliwość złożenia CV. Wykład po polsku! Liczba miejsc ograniczona! Decyduje kolejność zapisu!
Dear Students,
We would like to invite you for a meeting which Polish Knowledge Centre organizes with the cooperation with Student Association BRIK.
You will have an opportunity to learn about McKinsey as well as the Analyst role at the Knowledge Centre. We have invited our McKinsey Specialist to share their experiences and examples of their
daily work with you. This will be a great opportunity to get more information about career opportunities, which we offer to University of Economics students.
After the presentation we would like to invite you for a Q&A open session during which some snacks will be provided. This will be a perfect time for an informal discussion with our
Meeting detail:
Date: 20th of March, 2014
Time: 17:00-18:30
Meeting Program:
-McKinsey Knowledge Centre presentation
-Analyst work example
-Q&A session with snacks
Place: 2E
We look forward to seeing you.
McKinsey Recruitment Team
If you are currently looking for a job, or if you are interested in developing you career in Business Research, please come with your CV. For more information please contact us via