CFA Institute Society Scholarships

Due to the changes of system of CFA scholarships, there is opportunity to apply for scholarships for December 2012 Level 1 Exam. It is awarded by CFA Society of Poland for people willing to pass CFA Exam Level 1 in December 2012.
CFA Candidates can apply for these scholarships. Instead of paying 1200-1400 USD, the scholarship allows to pay only 250-340 USD.
Candidates willing to apply should:
1.    Complete and print Society Scholarship Verification Form available at CFA Society of Poland website: 
2.    Send the following documents (in English) – by post and scanned by E-mail:
-    CV
-    Motivation letter
-    Proof of the performance during studies relevant to CFA designation (e.g,. finance major), finance and investment courses, stating Grade Point Average, issued by university authorities
-    Completed Scholarship Verification Form
Please send these documents to:
Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga
Katedra Inwestycji Finansowych i Zarządzania Ryzykiem
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
Ul. Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wrocław
And E-mail to: 

Deadline is: July 10, 2012.

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