Discover Creative Leadership and Consult Your Business Idea

On November the 3rd Wroclaw University of Economics will host Prof. Matthias Eickhoff from the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz – an expert in creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and marketing, the Managing Director of the Institute for Innovation, Transfer and Consulting (ITB) in Bingen, the initiator of the Competence in EuroPreneurship (COEUR) network.
During his visit Prof. Matthias Eickhoff will hold two workshops for students, including:
1)    “Creative Leadership – Challenge for the Marketing of the Future!” – an open presentation - November 3rd, 11:30 in room 111 CKU. This is also an opportunity to learn how to join the 16th COEUR – EuroPreneurship workshop to be held in September 2018.
2)    Individual consulting on business ideas, in particular (but not exclusively) those related to the German market - November 3rd, 13:00 in room 111 CKU. This is a unique opportunity for You to hold a face-to-face presentation of Your business concept and receive feedback. The number of presentation slots is limited. A prior registration is required – please, contact Dr Tomasz Dyczkowski at by October 31st the latest. Presenting students are asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation of their business idea (in any form). After the presentation You will be offered professional advice and an opportunity to discuss any details of your concept with our expert.
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