Katedra Ubezpieczeń
profesor UE, Menedżer kierunku Finance
bud. Z, pok. 405
E-mail: |
magdalena.chmielowiec-lewczuk![]() |
Tel.: | 71 36 80 158 |
Informacje / konsultacje:
Konsultacje w semestrze zimowym 2023/24:
wtorek, g. 11.30 -13.00
Consultation hours:
Thuesday, 11.30 to 13.30 (11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.)
1. Owned diplomas and university degrees:
Master of Science (MSc) in Economics – 2000 Wroclaw Academy of Economics, Management and Computer Science Faculty, degree course: Finance and Banking, specialty: Finance Management.
Title of master's thesis: Futures Contracts – Use, Estimate, Polish Market
Supervisor: Prof. Krzysztof Jajuga
Doctor of economic sciences – 2004, Wroclaw Academy of Economics, Management and Computer Science Faculty,
Title of doctoral thesis The Role of Finance Controlling in Finance Management of the Property Insurance Company
Supervisor Prof. Edward Nowak
Reviewers: Prof. Danuta Misińska, Prof. Tadeusz Sangowski
Habilitated doctor of economic and finance sciences – 2019, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business,
Title of Scientific Achievement: Monograph: Modelling of cost strategy in insurance company versus contemporary market conditions
2. Information on hitherto employment in scientific institutions
2000-2004 – Assistant in Department of Cost and Management Accounting, Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Management and Computer Science Faculty)
2004-2006 – Assistant with doctoral degree in Department of Cost and Management Accounting, Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Management and Computer Science Faculty)
2006-2018 – Assistant Professor in Department of Cost, Management Accounting and Controlling, Wroclaw University of Economics (Management, Computer Science and Finance Faculty)
2018-2019 – Assistant Professor in Department of Insurance of Wroclaw University of Economics (Management, Computer Science and Finance Faculty)
Since 2019 – Associate Professor in Department of Insurance of Wroclaw University of Economics (Economics and Finance Faculty)
3. Research fields:
• Finance Management in Insurance Companies,
• Value-Based Management,
• Cost strategies,
• Problems of Managerial Accounting in Insurance Company,
• CSR in Insurance,
• Green Insurance,
• Financial Information Management,
• Controlling.
Selected papers:
1. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2006, Application of Kaizen Costing in Insurance Companies, Management, Vol. 10 No 1, University of Zielona Góra, pp. 125-131,
2. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2008, Strategic Cost Management in Insurance Company, in: Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance, (ed.), E. Nowak, R. Motoryn, Publishing House of Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, pp.17-22,
3. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2009, Cost Structure Analysis in Polish Insurance Companies in the Period 2003-2007, W: Quantitative Methods in Finance and Accounting Vol III, (ed.), E. Nowak, R. Motoryn, Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade, Kiev, pp. 13-18,
4. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2011, Determinanty zmian w strategicznym zarządzaniu kosztami zakładu ubezpieczeń, [Determinants of Changes in the Strategic Cost Management of the Insurance Company], Research Bulletin No 182, Publishing House of Poznan University of Economics, Poznan, pp. 118-126
5. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2012, Profitability and Cost Structure Analysis of Insurance Products from Polish Market in the Time Period 2006-2010, in: Accounting, Audit, Analysis: Science in the Context of Innovation and Globalization, Research Papers of Vilnius University 2nd Part, Vilnius, pp. 117-126
6. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2005, Analiza rentowności produktów ubezpieczeniowych, [Analysis of insurance product profitability] In: Insurances, Publishing House of Warsaw School of Economics Warsaw, pp. 91-96,
7. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2008, Zakres kontroli kosztów w zakładzie ubezpieczeń [Range of Cost Control in the Insurance Company], Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics No 14, Wroclaw pp. 59-65,
8. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2010, Profitability Analysis of Insurance Products from Polish Market in the Period 2006-2008, Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics No. 145, Wroclaw, pp. 15-24,
9. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2010, Budżetowanie w strategicznym zarządzaniu kosztami zakładu ubezpieczeń [Budgeting in Strategic Cost Management in the Insurance Company], Research Papers of Poznan School of Banking No 28, Poznan, pp. 49-57,
10. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2011, New Trends on the Market and the Choice of Cost Strategy for Insurance Companies, In: Quantitative Methods in Accounting and Finance, (ed.), R. Motoryn, E. Nowak, Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade, Kiev, pp.10-17.
11. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2005, Operacyjny controlling działu II, [Operational Controlling of Type 2 (Non-life Insurance Companies)] In: Finansowe narzędzia zarządzania zakładem ubezpieczeń [Financial Instruments of the Insurance Company Management], T.Sangowski (ed.), Poltext, Warsaw, pp. 295-306
12. Chmielowiec -Lewczuk M., 2013, Impact of Solvency II on Costs of Insurance Company, In: Geografia Mirowowo Choziajstwia: Regionalizm w Ustowiach Globalizacji [Geography of The World Economy: Regionalism in the Days of Globalization], Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, pp. 122-127,
13. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2014, Wybrane problemy zarządzania produktem finansowym w warunkach współczesnego rynku,[Selected Problems of Financial Product Management in the Conditions of the Modern Market In: Współczesne wyzwania rynku finansowego[Current Challenges in the Financial Market], Scientific Publishers, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, pp. 9-22,
14. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk M., 2015, Value-Based Management in Insurance Companies, Insurance Review No. 4, pp. 17-28.
15. Borda Marta, Chmielowiec-Lewczuk Magdalena, Kwiecień Ilona, In: Life Insurance in Europe. Risk Analysis and Market Challenges / Borda Marta, Grima Simon, Kwiecień Ilona (ed.), Financial and Monetary Policy Studies, 2020, vol. 50, Cham, Springer, s.3-17, ISBN 9783030496555,
16. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk Magdalena, Cost-Management Strategies Applied by Insurance Companies in Poland in the Years 2016 – 2018; Empirical Research, In: Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Finance. Proceedings from the 5th Wroclaw International Conference in Finance / Jajuga Krzysztof (ed.), Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 2020, Springer, s.209-219, ISBN 9783030430771,
17. Chmielowiec-Lewczuk Magdalena, Possibility to Apply Selected Decision-Making Models in Designing and Implementing Cost Strategy in an Insurance Company, In: Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges / Soliman Khalid S. (red.), 2020, International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), s.5372-5382, ISBN 9780999855141.