We are pleased to launch our Fall iteration of the Credit Suisse HOLT Valuation Challenge. This iteration is also open to all members who previously participated in the HOLT Valuation Challenge.
Check out the
The Fall 2015 HOLT Valuation Challenge is offering you a chance to interview for
internships and CO-OPs within Credit Suisse HOLT starting from June 2016! The challenge is evaluated entirely on your performance and is open to Bachelor, Master, MBA or PHD students from any
Differentiate yourself in a highly competitive job market and land a chance at an internship with one of the biggest names in the financial industry.
Your first step into the exclusive HOLT Community
Join the community on LinkedIn and get an opportunity to improve your finance skills beyond this Challenge. Discover and interact with new companies interested in engaging with students and recent
graduates with top skills.

Join the HOLT Community