Social Impact

Social Impact

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As a UN member state, we have committed to implement our activities, bearing in mind the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, accepted by all 193 UN member states. The strategic intentions of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business are expressed through our aspirations included in the document developed by the academic community - Strategy 2030. We want to be a University that is recognized in Poland as a leading academic center with respect of the implementation of the sustainable development goals.

Here we will present the impact of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business on society by identifying the results of our scientific, didactic, expert and organizational work in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Results of scientific, didactic, expert and organizational work

1. Our research improves the quality of life in cities by improving the management of their development

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Solution author:
dr hab. Andrzej Sztando, prof. UEW
Department of Spatial Economy and Local Government Administration
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

Most of the conditions of our private and professional life depend on the decisions of municipal and city authorities. The conditions for running a business also depend on them to a large extent. The state of the natural environment depends no less on these decisions. Therefore, public management carried out by local authorities receives a lot of attention in the media, business and science. This especially applies to the development strategies that these authorities adopt and implement, especially since many of them have become obsolete as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and at the same time have recently gained a strong foundation in Polish law.
Real effects for society

Drawing from current scientific and business trends in the field of strategic management, the results of own research, consulting practice and experience gained in the course of international cooperation, dr hab. Andrzej Sztando, prof. UEW:
  • helps to implement innovative solutions in cities and rural areas, which have contributed, for example, to the creation of a special economic zone and attracting foreign investments to it in the commune of Polkowice, increasing the availability and reducing costs of administrative services in the commune of Marciszów, digitization of management control at the Municipal Office in Konin and preparations for the reactivation of passenger rail connections serving the Syców commune;
  • supports local authorities in developing strategies for the development of communes and poviats, thanks to which they were created, among others development strategies of Bogatynia, Jelenia Góra, Lądek-Zdrój, Nowogrodziec and Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, as well as the Jawor and Zgorzelec poviats, the implementation of which increased the quality of life of their several hundred thousand inhabitants;
  • provides consultations and trains councilors, village heads, mayors and presidents of cities in the field of the best strategic management practices of local government units, which contributes, among others, to to their success in obtaining aid, reducing the cost of public services and increasing innovation in local economies;
  • evaluates strategic research programs (eg GOSPOSTRATEG, ROBUST Rural-Urban Europe) for the National Center for Research and Development and the European Research Executive Agency (REA), increasing, inter alia, their ability to generate innovations applied in local governments.
Press releases

Title: Nie więcej niż 20 proc. gmin jest zarządzanych strategicznie.
Published in: portal
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Wójt powinien zarządzać gminą, jak prezes firmą, a nawet lepiej.
Published in: portal
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Programy i strategie samorządów trzeba będzie zmienić.
Published in: WSPÓLNOTA  - Pismo Samorządu Terytorialnego
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Will Small Towns Benefit? Expected COVID-19 Pandemic-induced Changes in Supralocal Relationships of Polish Small Towns and Planned Responses in the Supralocal Perspective of their Local Development Strategic Governance
Published in: Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Contemporary expectations of Polish small town authorities towards the state policy of local development
Published in: Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Does the Strategic Planning of Local Development Results from the Motives Indicated in Literature? Contemporary Motivation of Polish Small Towns` Authorities for strategic Planning of Local Development
Published in: Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
Year: 2017
Link to the publication: LINK

2. Income inequalities in Poland - measurement problems, social consequences

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
10. Reduced Inequalities
Solution author:
dr hab. Marek Kośny, prof. UEW
Department of Econometrics and Operational Research
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

One of the key challenges in the context of inequality, including income inequality, is the proper assessment of its level. Representative surveys of the Central Statistical Office, which for many years were the main source of data on income inequalities, show their significantly underestimated level, suggesting that they are at a relatively low level (Gini coefficient close to 0.3, placing Poland below the EU average).
The research conducted in a pioneering way took up the issue of using tax data to assess the credibility of the results published by the Central Statistical Office in this area and to estimate the level of income inequality in Poland. Despite the fact that these studies did not allow for obtaining estimates of measures directly comparable with the results of the Central Statistical Office, they showed that the official results do not correctly take into account high income. In fact, the level of inequality is much higher, and the political and social consequences of this fact cannot be overestimated. Social policy, based on the belief that income inequality in Poland is low, has led to widespread social discontent and a change of power. The key solutions proposed by the new government were (and are) aimed at leveling inequalities and supporting poorer groups.
Real effects for society

  • Paying attention to the problem of income inequalities, the underestimation of which may lead to destabilization of the social situation.
  • The reference to errors in the measurement of the level of income inequality allows for the explanation of the process of power change and the abrupt increase in effectively implemented redistribution.
  • Making the assessment of the level of income inequality more realistic makes it possible to adjust public policies to the actual level of income inequality.
Press releases

Title: Polskie nierówności są na poziomie Rosji i Hondurasu? Prof. Marek Kośny zbadał nasze PIT-y
Published in: TOK FM
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Dolnośląski kapitał XXI wieku. 1 promil najbogatszych zarabia 3 proc. dochodu regionu
Published in: Gazeta Wyborcza
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Peronizm dla klasy średniej
Published in: Krytyka Polityczna
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Upper Tail of the Income Distribution in Tax Records and Survey Data: Evidence from Poland
Published in: Conference materials of the 32nd International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Boston, August 5-11, 2012
Year: 2012
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Upper Tail of the Income Distribution in Tax Records and Survey Data. Evidence from Poland
Published in: Argumenta Oeconomica
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

3. Increasing inclusivity, resilience and innovation in cities and local societies

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Solution co-author:
Dr hab. Katarzyna Miszczak, prof. UEW
Department of Spatial Economy and Local Government Administration
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

Cities are the subject of numerous research studies. More and more new city development concepts are formulated, which emphasize inclusivity, resilience and innovation of urban space. Defining (redefining) the problems faced by local / regional societies is carried out constantly along with taking action. Understanding these problems is a function of cooperation and discourse of various actors who, by sharing their knowledge and experience, divide risk and responsibility at the same time. A multitude of processes and phenomena that determine effective utilization of urban development potential makes it necessary to take into account different needs and possibilities of many social groups in intelligent management of territorial unit. Hence, actions are taken to intensify social dialogue and build science-business-local government partnerships. The research results, whether adopted collectively or by individual stakeholders, improve the quality of life in a city (including but not limited to: develop collaboration skills, reduce exclusivity, provide politicians with arrangements for decisions, strengthen contact of residents with culture and nature) and the situation on local labour market (e.g. new workplaces).
Real effects for society

  • The research results turned out to be useful for determining the directions of development policy of several local government units, assessing the implementation effects of policy’s subsequent stages and developing strategic documents at local and regional level (co-authorship over a dozen strategies, reports or studies commissioned by central and local government authorities, public entities, e.g.: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland, Wroclaw City Hall, Lower Silesian Governor's Office, Lower Silesian Marshall's Office, Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperation, the Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency, the Commune Office in Siechnice, the Commune Office in Kędzierzyn-Koźle).
  • R&D results were transformed into new products, processes, changes in competences, company strategy, investment profits, personnel mobility (over a dozen expert opinions, analysis, projects were made for entrepreneurs, e.g.: Dolnośląski Bon na Innowacje The Wroclaw Centre for Technology Transfer (WCTT) of Wroclaw University of Science and Technology).
  • Involvement of various non-academic actors in building partnerships dedicated to solving social problems, and ultimately looking for innovative methods aimed at inclusive capitalism as a remedy for social exclusion (e.g. executive in the municipal program "Mozart - partnership between science and business").
  • Active role in consultations, workshops and multidisciplinary cooperation networks (also with foreign entities, foundations, associations) aimed at disseminating knowledge, improving practical skills, promoting attitudes, values and ideas strengthening urban resilience. It seems especially important in times of turbulent changes (including climate) and various types of socio-economic crisis (e.g. activities developing the assumptions of the Lower Silesia landscape policy within the expert group of Institute for Territorial Development in Wroclaw; benchmarking good practices for young Lower Silesians developed in the project Baltic youth research(ers) up - graded: long term impact on youth field, under the EU Erasmus + Program, project partners: Latvia, Lithuania).
  • Acquiring funds for research from external stakeholders (business, local government, government, EU) and evaluation of projects in the Innovative Economy Operational Programme.
Press releases

Title: Strategia Wrocław 2030
Published in: Urząd Miejski Wrocławia (Wrocław Rozmawia)
Year: 2017
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Przystanek kreatywności NEMO – innowacja społeczna dla gmin
Published in: Wrocławskie Centrum Akademickie (Miejski Program Wsparcia Partnerstwa Szkolnictwa Wyższego i Nauki oraz Sektora Aktywności Gospodarczej „MOZART”)
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Analiza stanu i procesów integracji społeczno-gospodarczej, instytucjonalnej i przestrzennej regionu. Dokonanie analizy dotyczącej koegzystencji funkcji ochronnych oraz rozwoju systemów komunikacji i sieci infrastruktury w województwie dolnośląskim
Published in: Projekt „Analizy, badania i prognozy na rzecz Strategii Rozwoju Województwa Dolnośląskiego” [POKL.08.01.04–02–003/08] realizowany przez Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego w partnerstwie z Konsorcjum, w skład którego wchodzą: Dolnośląska Agencja Współpracy Gospodarczej Sp. z o.o., Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu oraz Politechnika Wrocławska.
Year: 2010
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Współczesne uwarunkowania rozwoju polskich miast. Wybrane zagadnienia
Published in: Publishing House of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Wrocław miastem odpornym na kryzys?
Published in: Research Papers of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Year: 2017
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Characteristics of the e-development potential of Lower Silesian voivodeship
Published in: Studia Regionalia
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK

4. Package clusterSim for R environment

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Solution co-author:
Prof. dr hab. Marek Walesiak, Dr hab. Andrzej Dudek, prof. UEW
Department of Econometrics and Computer Science
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

The package is mainly used in cluster analysis. The package consists of the basic function cluster.Sim and 35 helper functions and 8 data sets: distance measures (GDM1, GDM2, Sokal-Michener, Bray-Curtis, for symbolic interval-valued data), cluster quality indices (Calinski-Harabasz, Baker-Hubert, Hubert-Levine, Silhouette, Krzanowski-Lai, Hartigan, gap, Davies-Bouldin), 18 data normalization formulas (metric data, interval-valued symbolic data), data generation (typical and non-typical data), HINoV variable selection method, replication analysis, linear ordering methods, spectral clustering, agreement indices between two partitions, plot functions (for categorical and symbolic interval-valued data).

Full information about the package clusterSim:
Title: Searching for Optimal Clustering Procedure for a Data Set
Authors: Marek Walesiak:
Andrzej Dudek:
Maintainer: Andrzej Dudek
Year of first release: 2007
Real effects for society

The clusterSim package is used in those areas of knowledge dealing with data analysis, classification, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, etc. It is used and cited in numerous scientific studies from various disciplines, including economists, psychologists, sociologists, biologists, physicians, botanists, archaeologists and others.
The need to create a new analytical tool compatible with the R environment ( stemmed from the gap that existed at that time in the market of both commercial and free software. The package is distributed under the GPL / freeware license, which means that anyone can use it free of charge for any use, both for research, enterprises and non-profit organizations.
According to, the clusterSim package is downloaded 5,409 times a month on average (as of 06/29/2021). Since the clusterSim package was placed in the Comprehensive R Archive Network repository, the package has been downloaded (website 299,340 times (as of 06/29/2021), which is 1,115 out of a total of 17,792 packages.
Press releases

Title: Scopus search results
Published in:
Year: 2021
Link to search results of publications using clusterSim: LINK

Title: search results in Publish or Perish (Google Scholar data source)
Published in:
Year: 2021
Link to search results of publications using clusterSim: LINK

The most important scientific publications

Title: Deconvolution of subcellular protrusion heterogeneity and the underlying actin regulator dynamics from live cell imaging
Published in: Nature Communications
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Comparing clusterings and numbers of clusters by aggregation of calibrated clustering validity indexes
Published in: Statistics and Computing
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Neural Networks Multiobjective Learning With Spherical Representation of Weights
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: The application of selected multivariate statistical methods for the evaluation of tourism competitiveness of the Sudety communes
Published in: Argumenta Oeconomica
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK

5. Sustainable development strategies of enterprises and local governments

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
8. Decent work and economic growth
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Solution co-author:
Dr hab. Andrzej Raszkowski, prof. UEW
Department of Regional Economy
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

The modern enterprise development strategy is a signpost, a response to the occurring changes, at the same time relying on the experience and knowledge of people responsible for its development and implementation. The findings of the carried out research can be implemented in the socio-economic environment, which may result in the improvement of enterprise management processes. In addition, the conducted research contributes to a more extensive knowledge as well as the ability to use modern, useful tools of strategic management, the ability to formulate development goals and implement the provisions of the strategy in the daily enterprise operations. The impact of research is also manifested by higher work efficiency, improved functioning in the changing business environment, in relations with colleagues and clients.
The strategy of sustainable development of the city and the municipality is an expression of responsibility, a modern vision of changes and care for future generations. The result of developing and implementing the sustainable development strategy by the local government is a number of positive phenomena in the socio-economic space of the municipality referring to the social, economic, environmental, spatial, institutional and political spheres.
Real effects for society

  • Among the effects related to analysing, developing and implementing the strategy of sustainable development of local governments, the following can be listed: acceleration of economic growth; increasing trust in local authorities, minimizing transport congestion, traffic noise, low emissions; revitalization processes; higher level of local identity, increased social participation, greater care for the natural environment, higher environmental awareness, lower number of the socially excluded people; higher level of entrepreneurship.
  • The effects related to sustainable development strategy of an enterprise: activities in the area of corporate social responsibility; more stable employment, better quality of the labour market; higher level of innovation; higher level of motivation; higher level of organizational culture; using competitive advantages; higher investment outlays; more effective communication with the enterprise environment.
Press releases

Title: Wyzwania dla samorządu terytorialnego w czasach po pandemii
Published in: portal
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy po pandemii
Published in: Polskie Radio RDC
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Arena Gliwice – pozytywne rezultaty dla miasta i jego mieszkańców (raport PwC Polska)
Published in: Arena Gliwice portal
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Aging Society and the Selected Aspects of Environmental Threats: Evidence from Poland
Published in: Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: On the Road to Sustainability: Implementation of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Poland
Published in: Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Towards Sustainable Regional Development: Economy, Society, Environment, Good Governance Based on the Example of Polish Regions
Published in: Transformations in Business & Economics, ISSN 1648-4460
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK

6. Availability of knowledge and building social awareness as the basis for sustainable development

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
11. Sustainable cities and communities
Solution co-author:
PhD student Aleksandra Wrona
Department of Spatial Economy and Local Government Administration
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

When analysing contemporary socio-economic processes taking place in cities, it is impossible not to notice their differences. Some units develop at a completely different pace and direction than others, and thus their communities function in specific (more or less favourable) conditions. The problem arises when these inequalities (especially intra-urban) deepen and the development is far from sustainable. The recommended actions to be taken in such a case are equal opportunities, increasing accessibility and openness, as well as building a favourable climate for creating strong social networks and ties.
The conducted research and the results of own observations regarding to the productivity of cities in the context of their development and the effectiveness of public policies implemented, with a particular emphasis on multi-level management (i.e. relating to the inclusion of city residents in participatory processes, responsible management of a territorial unit or its impact on the region or other centres), confirm that appropriate urban development planning requires the triangulation of data, methods and research techniques. Such an approach, using the proposed methods aimed at taking into account the opinions and needs of various stakeholders, significantly reduces the negative effects and costs of specific problems faced by a given community.
Real effects for society

  • developing the intergenerational dialogue, integrating and supporting the recovery of seriously ill people, which allows to increase the level of inclusiveness of societies (a participant of the initiative led by Hartenlief Rotterdam, in the Neighbourhood House De Nieuwe Nachtegaal, the Netherlands; the effect of which was to prevent social exclusion and strengthen bonds in the community of the local district of Rotterdam);
  • equalizing opportunities in access to education, vocational training, as well as education in accordance with the idea of lifelong learning as part of projects in Erasmus + programs (providing vocational training in both soft and hard competences for secondary school students, practical training for students and people entering on the labour market, competence training for teachers; the recipients of the projects were over two thousand people from over 14 countries of the European Union and others) and as part of the Children's University Foundation;
  • promoting knowledge related to sustainable development by organizing and conducting various types of workshops, contributing to increase the awareness of participants of these events about contemporary urban processes (originator, co-organizer or moderator, of among others: 1st National Urban Planning Workshop IMPULS (2019), The City of Opportunities and Business workshops, i.e. how to build entrepreneurship as part of the 13th edition of World Entrepreneurship Week (2020), workshops Egoism in space and Young urbanists for climate as part of the Urban Policy Congress 2021);
  • building networking between young researchers, social activists and students which is reflected in jointly implemented projects or the creation of virtual groups integrating the environment (initiator and co-coordinator of the project dedicated to urban stakeholders Youth for Space, currently transformed into Urbnews for students; co-authors of the project: Scientific Student Associations from: AMU, UW, WUT, UPWr, URK);
  • cooperation with local governments (e.g. Legnica, where a project for the integration and promotion of local small business in the restaurant and hotel industry was carried out) as part of the School for Local Leaders and conducting project evaluation (including in Ząbkowice Śląskie, Polkowice, Świdnica, Prochowice) consisting in the identification of challenges and the preparation of recommendations and action plans (the monitoring carried out will enable proper programming of potential future projects for local authorities, local entrepreneurs or local communities).
Press releases

Title: Warsztaty oraz sesje networkingowe – Kongres Polityki Miejskiej 2021
Published in: Urban Policy Congress, National Urban Forum 2021
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: The urban dimension of Cohesion Policy
Published in: RSA Research Network on EU Cohesion Policy
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK LINK

Title: Legnica i liderzy lokalni
Published in: Portal Urzędu Miasta Legnica
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Gentrification as part of urban development
Published in: Biblioteka Regionalisty. Regional Journal
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Funkcjonowanie miasta produktywnego w świetle multilevel governance
Published in: Zarządzanie, Debiuty Studenckie
Year: 2019
Link to the publication: LINK

7. Increasing a credibility of corporate financial reports by means of an early-warning system against accounting frauds

United Nations Sustainable Development Goal:
8. Decent work and economic growth
Solution author:
Dr Jacek Welc
Department of Regional Economics Faculty of Economics and Finance
Faculty of Economics and Finance
Importance for society

Corporate financial statements impact so many economic decisions (made by managers, investors, lenders, public entities, etc.) that it is impossible to overstate a relevance of financial reporting in a socio-economic life. This means that a reliability of accounting numbers constitutes one of the fundamentals of an efficiency of the entire economic system. However, accounting principles are not perfect and immune to manipulations, which means that users of financial statements should have some tools at their disposal, that enable an assessment of a credibility of the accounting data. The designed solution constitutes a set of metrics aimed at detecting “creative accounting” practices. It consists of more than a dozen of complementary financial statement ratios (so-called „red flags”) and enables generation of the early warning signals, that correspond to all most commonly met aggressive accounting techniques. Thanks to its analytical simplicity, the designed solution is applicable in virtually all practical analyses of contemporary corporate financial reports (by both professional analysts and auditors, as well as by financial statement users who lack a deeper accounting background).
Real effects for society

The invented and practically implemented solution (i.e. a comprehensive set of warning signals against „creative accounting” practices) brings the following real benefits to participants of socio-economic life:
  • It enables an early detection of accounting abuses (including outright frauds) committed by corporate managers and accountants, whereby financial statement users (e.g. stock market investors, corporate lenders, etc.) may be better protected against deep financial losses,
  • It makes committing accounting frauds trickier, since their detection becomes easier and more timely,
  • It offers to public institutions and regulators (e.g. agencies that oversee capital markets) a tool of an easy identification of cases of potential market abuses (i.e. financial statement frauds),
  • It improves an efficiency of capital allocation (that constitutes one of the fundamentals of any healthy market economy), via reduction of a number as well as scope of financial abuses, committed by dishonest corporate managers and accountants.
Press releases

Title: Investor Sues Chinese E-Cigarette Maker RLX for Allegedly Misrepresenting Risks
Published in: Wall Street Journal
Year: 2021
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Spotting Red Flags: Wirecard Edition
Published in: Financial Times
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: GetBack, czyli są rzeczy na niebie i ziemi, o jakich się analitykom nie śniło (a powinno)
Published in: Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet
Year: 2018
Link to the publication: LINK
The most important scientific publications

Title: Reading Between the Lines of Corporate Financial Reports. In Search of Financial Misstatements
Published in: Palgrave Macmillan (Professional Book Series)
Year: 2020
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Full-Goodwill Method of Accounting for Business Combinations and Quality of Financial Statements
Published in: Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK

Title: Impact of Earnings Smoothness on Stock Prices, Stock Returns and Future Earnings Changes – The Polish Experience
Published in: European Financial and Accounting Journal
Year: 2015
Link to the publication: LINK

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