About our strategy
In the process of creating a strategy it is extremely important to answer the question: what the strategy is today and, hence, what form it should take.
For some time already, for organizations operating in the dynamically changing environment, the strategy has ceased to be a long-term plan and, therefore, at the level of the strategic document
itself, we are dealing less and less often with the presentation of a detailed plan and determination of indicators for achieving goals.
Making use of the solutions employed in management practice, we have developed a synthetic strategy formula and an iterative mechanism for its implementation.
The presented strategy forms the framework for key initiatives and projects which will contain detailed goals, measures, and budgets assigned to them. Every six months, we will verify the
activities carried out at the University. This will be done by strategic reviews involving the authorities and a wide representation of our University community.
In connection with such a formula of the strategy, in this document we present our vision of the University, its mission, shared values, strategic priorities, and the mechanism of their