Be the change you want to see in the world
Mahatma Gandhi
We work together for the social and environmental responsibility of Our University. When we met in mid-2017 and it turned out that
we share the same vision of the world. We want it to be better, full of confidence, cooperation and responsibility for our closer and further social and natural surroundings.
We want to be part of the change that is going on around us and have an influence on it.
Expansion of perspective, interest in the world, empathy with a group of people, social empathy and
empathy with the Planet allow us to live better. We want to turn our little ideas into a revolution that will change reality. Several people who initiate the process may
involve others. Meeting together, talking, planning actions "we feel at home". We do not have to convince ourselves, fight against something, waste energy on proving
something. We are. We do what's playing in our souls.
We invite everyone to
Green Team of Wrocław University
of Economics