Opportunity to publish articles in AACSB Insights

Ladies and gentlemen,

thanks to membership in the international organization AACSB, academic teachers, management, students and graduates as well as partners of our University have the opportunity to publish their articles on the AACSB Insights platform.

AACSB Insights is a place to exchange views of members of the AACSB community on topics related to broadly understood business education, including quality of programs, the future of business education, diversity, exclusion and social responsibility. The following months of the year are devoted to individual topics - the list can be found at https://www.aacsb.edu/insights/articles/submissions/editorial-calendar.
In June 2022 the leading theme is "Societal Impact: Helping Humanity", and in July 2022 "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Embracing Diverse Perspectives".

Articles presented in AACSB Insights are more popular science than strictly scientific, although they relate to issues important to the business education environment. They usually present new ideas or best practices in the field of business education, examples of cooperation between business schools and the economic environment, experiences of business leaders, etc. Publications in AACSB Insights may not be a promotional program, university, organization or person, although it is allowed to include such information as an illustration of some concepts.

The suggested article length is 1,000 to 1,500 words. Authors are kindly requested to send a good resolution photo of themselves to be placed under the article. Along with the article, you can send illustrative photos and data visualizations in the form of charts, graphs or diagrams (they can be reformatted by the editors).

Articles should be sent at least one month before the month of publication. If the article does not cover a specific month theme, it can be submitted at any time. Then the editors will choose the moment of publication.

All AACSB Insights publishing guidelines can be found at https://www.aacsb.edu/insights/articles/submissions/guidelines.

Applications and questions can be sent to editor@aacsb.edu
© 2014 Wrocław University of Economics
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