International Seminar within the INTERREG V4 Program
The impact of COVID-19 on international trade as a new challenge in vocational education of university students is the title of the international scientific seminar that
was held at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business on May 11-12, 2022.
The seminar is part of an international research project led by Professor Bogusława Drelich - Skulska, Professor Małgorzata Domiter, Anna H. Jankowiak, Ph.D. and Szymon Mazurek, Ph.D. from
the WUEB's Department of International Business and Professor Jan Nevim, Professor Pavel Tuleje, Professor František Varadzin and Kamile Turečková, Ph.D. from the
Silesian University in Opava, Karvin Branch, Czech Republic.
The project received funding from the European Regional Development Fund under the INTERREG V4 program and is implemented in the period 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022.
Realizováno v rámci projektu „Dopad COVID-19 na mezinárodní obchod jako nová výzva v odborné výuce vysokoškolských studentů“, reg. č. CZ.11.3.119/0.0/0.0/16_013/0002975, který je
spolufinancován Evropskou unií v rámci programu INTERREG V-A Česká republika – Polsko prostřednictvím Fondu mikroprojektů 2014-2020 v Euroregionu Silesia.
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